1. When you’ve finished browsing and added the required service(s) to your cart, select the preferred return postage option, place your order and checkout.
  2. Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll receive an order confirmation email including your order number and some very important information. Please check spam/junk if you do not see the email in your inbox and make sure you've subscribed to our mailing list to receive personalised updates.
  3. Now is your time to shine. For us to complete the service on your beloved boots, you’ll need to part ways with them briefly and post them to us at Boots n Pieces HQ in Edinburgh (registered address below). Please ensure your boots are clean or additional charges may apply.
  4. To post them to us, pop them in a secure box or mailing bag with a note of your full name, order number and any specific requests then head along to your local post office to send via Royal Mail. Alternatively, you can use any other courier company you’re familiar with, especially if you're not UK based.
  5. Your work here is done! Your boots are en route and we’ll let you know by email when they’ve arrived at HQ safe and sound. Remember to keep hold of your tracking number just in case.
  6. Customisation in progress…we’ve customised over 10,000 pairs of boots and yours will be next to receive the treatment. We’ll keep you updated on progress and send another email with tracking information when they’re ready to be sent back to you. Please note our current timescales for all services is 5-7 business days from receipt of your boots at HQ.
  7. Lifetime guarantee of service is offered on all of our services which should provide the confidence that your boots are in good hands. We’ve honed our methods over a number of years and only use the best materials and products with the aim of delivering elite service and performance for all customers.
  8. We’d appreciate your feedback! When the wait is over and your newly customised boots have landed, we’d love to know what you think. Head over to Trustpilot and add to our 100+ Excellent reviews. Thanks in advance from the team at Boots n Pieces.


  1. All of our products are available for immediate dispatch (excluding custom boots from The Boot Room which are made to order and can take up to 14 days to be designed and posted). When you’ve finished browsing and added the product to your cart, select the preferred return postage option, place your order and checkout.
  2. Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll receive an order confirmation email including your order number and tracking information. 
  3. We’d appreciate your feedback! When the wait is over and your new product has landed, we’d love to know what you think. Head over to Trustpilot and add to our 100+ Excellent reviews. Thanks in advance from the team at Boots n Pieces.
Boots n Pieces HQ
Boots n Pieces
Suite 17 - 130 Leith Walk

Please note you are responsible for covering the shipping costs when posting your boots to us. For international orders, you will be responsible for payment if any customs charges are raised.